Prints & Editions: 25 Years
September 6 - December 21, 2013
Carl Solway Gallery presents a 25-year survey of the prints and editions of New York artist Peter Halley. The exhibition features 33 editioned works, including silkscreen, letterpress, and digital prints, editioned wall installations, and low-relief sculptural editions. The works on view provide an overview of Halley’s wide-ranging experimentation in both traditional and digital printmaking techniques since the 1980s.
Beginning with his early vacuum-formed relief “Prison,” produced in 1987, and concluding with his most recent low-relief edition, “Explosion," produced digitally with a CNC router by Carl Solway Gallery in 2013, this show presents the first retrospective of Halley’s prints and wall installations since his 1997 solo exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Halley’s prints can be seen as a counterpoint to his paintings, which are based on a hermetic, restricted visual vocabulary. In contrast, his printmaking practice has provided him with the opportunity to incorporate elements from the outside world including imagery from cartoons and found graphics such as flow charts. As opposed to the rational, rectilinear geometry of his paintings, Halley's printmaking has long focused on the image of the explosion, beginning with 1993 silkscreen print “Exploding Cell.” Halley is also a recognized innovator in the use of digital prints to produce mural-sized works.
Peter Halley has executed permanent digitally-printed mural installations for the Biblioteca Publica Jose Hierro in Usera, Spain, in 2002, and at the Gallatin School for Individualized Study at New York University in 2008.
Prison, 1987, Vacuum formed poly-styrene plastic with silkscreen, Edition of 18 + 6AP, AP 5/6, 44 x 42.5 inches, Framed: 50.75 x 49 inches
Panic Room, 2003, Silkscreen on paper, Edition of 250 + 25 AP, AP 2/25, 34 x 28.25 inches, Framed: 36.5 x 31 inches
Yellow Cell, 2001, Silkscreen on watercolor paper, Edition of 30 + 3 AP, AP 3/3, 28 x 22 inches, Framed: 31 x 25.5 inches
Red Cell, 2000, Silkscreen on paper, Edition of 30 + 3 AP, 28 x 22.25 inches, Framed: 30.5 x 25 inches
Three Prisons, 2002, Silkscreen on paper, Edition of 60 + 5 AP, AP 2/5, 28 x 22.25 inches, Framed: 30.5 x 25 inches
The Deep End, 2002, Silkscreen on paper, Edition of 250 + 4 AP, AP 2/4, 34 x 30.5 inches, Framed: 36.5 x 33 inches
Bang, 2001, Silkscreen on paper, Edition of 250 + 10 AP, AP 3/10, 32.75 x 28 inches, Framed: 35.5 x 30.5 inches
Borderline, 2012, Acrylic, Day-Glo acrylic and Roll-a-Tex, 68 x 54 inches, + Static Wallpaper, 1998. Installation, 33 silkscreen prints on paper in 16 different colors, 30 x 37 inches each
Before and After (A), 2000, Silkscreen on paper, Edition of 250 + 12 HC, HC 1/12, 23.25 x 33 inches, Framed: 26.5 x 36 inches
Before and After (B), 2000, Silkscreen on paper, Edition of 250 + 12 HC, HC 1/12, 23.25 x 33 inches, Framed: 26.5 x 36 inches
Before and After (D), 2000, Silkscreen on paper, Edition of 250 + 12 HC, HC 1/12, 23.25 x 33 inches, Framed: 26.5 x 36 inches
Before and After (H), 2000, Silkscreen on paper, Edition of 250 + 12 HC, HC 1/12, 23.25 x 33 inches, Framed: 26.5 x 36 inches
Cell with Smokestack IV, 1999, Unique digital inkjet print on paper, 33.5 x 43 inches, Framed: 36 x 46 inches
Cell with Smokestack V, 1999, Unique digital inkjet print on paper, 33.5 x 43 inches, Framed: 36 x 46 inches
Cell with Smokestack XVI, 1999, Unique digital inkjet print on paper, 33.5 x 43 inches, Framed: 36 x 46 inches
Cell with Smokestack XVIII, 1999, Unique digital inkjet print on paper, 33.5 x 43 inches, Framed: 36 x 46 inches
Cell with Smokestack III, 1999, (black on black), Silkscreen on paper with diamond dust, Edition of 50 + 10 AP, AP 2/10, 34.25 x 45.25 inches Framed: 37.5 x 48.5 inches
Cell with Smokestack I, 1999, (silver on silver), Silkscreen on paper, Edition of 50 + 10 AP, AP 2/10, 34.25 x 45.25 inches, Framed: 37.5 x 48.5 inches
Relief, 2001 (fuchsia), Individually-colored pearlescent acrylic on molded fiberglass, 32.5 x 35.5 x 2 inches, Edition of 15 + 3 AP, 2/15
Relief, 2001 (sea green), Individually-colored pearlescent acrylic on molded fiberglass, 32.5 x 35.5 x 2 inches, Edition of 15 + 3 AP, 1/15
Cell with Explosions I, 1993, Line engraving on Wahon cream paper, Edition: 50 + 12 AP, AP 1/12, 17.5 x 29 inches, Framed: 19 x 18.25 inches
Cell with Explosions II, 1993, Line engraving on Wahon cream paper, Edition: 50 + 12 AP, AP 1/12, 17.5 x 29 inches, Framed: 19 x 18.25 inches
Exploding Cell, 1994, Set of 9 silkscreen prints on paper, numbered 1 to 9, Edition of 32 + 10 AP, 36 x 47 inches each, Framed: 38 x 49.5 inches each
Explosion, 2008, Installation, 21 unique digital prints on canvas 45 x 43 inches each, available as individual prints or as a site specific installation
Explosion Wallpaper, 2000, Silkscreen and flocking on paper, Edition of 30 + 8 AP, AP 8/8, 41 x 36.5 inches, Framed: 45 x 40 inches
Disjecta Print, 2011, Digital inkjet print on paper, Edition of 30 + 5 AP, 30 x 30 inches, Framed: 32.5 x 32.5 inches
Cartoon Explosions, 2009, Digital pigment print (di-tone) on handmade rice paper, Edition of 75 + 25 AP, AP 2/25, 50 x 13 inches, Framed: 51.5 x 15.25 inches
Is It an Arrival or Departure?, from Organizational Charts, 1990, Silkscreen on frosted Mylar, Edition of 50 + 12 AP, AP 1/12, 32.75 x 22.5 inches, Framed: 37 x 27 inches
Limited Partners, Organizational Charts, 1990, Silkscreen on frosted Mylar, Edition of 50 + 12 AP, AP 1/12, 23 x 30 ½ inches, Framed: 27 x 34.5 inches
Final Attributes, Organizational Charts, 1990, Silkscreen on frosted Mylar, Edition of 50 + 12 AP, AP 1/12, 24.5 x 27 inches, Framed: 28.25 x 31 inches
Station, Cell, Factory, Organizational Charts, 1990, Silkscreen on frosted Mylar, Edition of 50 + 12 AP, AP 1/12, 23.5 x 28 inches Framed: 27 x 32 inches
Exploding Cell, 2013, Prototype, Uniquely-colored acrylic on digitally milled polystyrene, 40 x 40 inches, Edition size to be determined, Published by Carl Solway Gallery
Exploding Cell, 2013, Prototype, Uniquely-colored acrylic on digitally milled polystyrene, 40 x 40 inches, Edition size to be determined, Published by Carl Solway Gallery